Last Modified on: 1 year 8 months ago. Written By - Titan Defence LLP
If you have been the victim of an assault in Toronto, you may be wondering what your legal options are. Assault lawyers can help you understand your rights and options under the law.
Assault is defined as the intentional use of force against another person without their consent. It is a criminal offence in Canada, and if you have been the victim of an assault, you have the right to file a police report and press charges.
However, many victims choose not to do so for various reasons. Some may be afraid of retaliation from their attacker, while others may not want to relive the trauma by going through the criminal justice system. If you choose not to press charges, you can still seek legal action by filing a civil lawsuit against your attacker.
A civil lawsuit is a separate legal proceeding from a criminal one, and it does not require that your attacker be convicted of a crime in order for you to receive damages.
You will need to prove that the assault took place and that your attacker is responsible for your injuries in order to win your case. Assault lawyers can help you gather evidence and build a strong case against your attacker.
If you have been the victim of an assault, contact a lawyer today to discuss your legal options